Why this website?

This site has been set up as a memorial to Elizabeth Anne McBride and to convey the latest information regarding services in her memory. One of our goals is to make the services for Elizabeth as enjoyable as possible by attempting to remove the frustrating lack of information and last-minute changes that sometimes surround such gatherings. We hope we’ve made things a bit easier for us all, and we look forward to seeing you and catching up!

The website uses blog software, so the most recent posts are located on top with older posts below. Therefore, if information on the site conflicts, the most recent post should be considered correct. Some of the older information will have a strikethrough mark to indicate that it is no longer current.

Comments are very welcome! Being witty, clever or profound is not required. Simply sharing a story of how you met Elizabeth and a memory or two (or three) of time spent with her provides all of us with a greater understanding of her life. Don’t be shy – we’d all love to hear from you and read what you have to say, and sometimes little stories say the most.

Please do not post personal contact information for others such as telephone numbers, email addressess, mailing addresses, etc. without permission, although you are more than welcome to post your own contact information if you wish.

If you need to contact John & Laura, please do so by emailing us at johnandlauramcbride@gmail.com

We thank you for stopping by and we are sure that Elizabeth is happy that you did.

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